Our Services

At Stickydot, we offer a variety of services that put dialogue and participation at the heart of your projects. Discover our portfolio, from science communication training to facilitation of co-creation processes!

Stakeholder Engagement

We offer a wide range of participatory methodologies for stakeholder engagement with research and innovation. Through dialogue and co-creation, we spark crucial conversations around key questions, placing society's needs and values at the heart of the process.


With our training workshops, we offer a series of participatory workshops to explore the skills and competences necessary for stakeholder engagement, science communication, and expert facilitation.


We draw from our wealth of experience in facilitating dialogue and participation in research and innovation. Online or offline, we draw from good practices and theory alike to bring you memorable and impactful sessions.

Interested to chat with us and explore an idea further?

Don’t hesitate to send a quick message to info@stickydot.eu and schedule a short half-hour call with us, at your convenience.

Florence Gignac


“It is inspiring to contribute to a scientific research environment that remains anchored in the realities and interests of a variety of individuals. Collaborating with the public takes your scientific knowledge off the beaten track and challenges you to take a creative approach to your scientific practice. Go ahead: once you try participatory research, you won’t look back!”

At Stickydot, Florence provides support on citizen science and public engagement projects. Florence has been applying participatory approaches in the fields of environment and public health for over five years. She cares deeply about making every step of a scientific research project inclusive, creative and sustainable.