Stakeholder Engagement

We have developed a range of participatory methodologies over the years. From non-complex, short stakeholder consultations to comprehensive co-creation processes. What is the right process for you?

These services can be seen as modules: we can offer one or several, depending on your needs.

The practice of inviting relevant stakeholders to share their views on a certain predefined topic or challenge. It serves as a way to collect the feedback, concerns and priorities of your target audience.

Compared to a consultation, a co-design process represents a jump in stakeholder influence. It allows interested parties to collaboratively define the challenge that is relevant to them within a certain theme or topic, setting the stage for the development of relevant, sometimes unexpected, solutions.

Taking the idea of co-design even further, co-creation allows stakeholders to take matters into their own hands. Together, they will collaboratively build, implement, and assess the solution for a challenge, which often comes in the form of a new innovation, service, or policy.

Understanding your needs and identifying your challenges. This step is common to all the different methodologies and helps us define the best approach for every situation.

Interested to chat with us and explore an idea further?

Don’t hesitate to send a quick message to and schedule a short half-hour call with us, at your convenience.

Florence Gignac


“It is inspiring to contribute to a scientific research environment that remains anchored in the realities and interests of a variety of individuals. Collaborating with the public takes your scientific knowledge off the beaten track and challenges you to take a creative approach to your scientific practice. Go ahead: once you try participatory research, you won’t look back!”

At Stickydot, Florence provides support on citizen science and public engagement projects. Florence has been applying participatory approaches in the fields of environment and public health for over five years. She cares deeply about making every step of a scientific research project inclusive, creative and sustainable.