Science communication




Multi-Stakeholder Engagement
Science Communication


Formicablu (coordinator)
Science For Change
Fciencias.Id, ACCC
University Of Twente



Co-creating indicators on what makes great science communication
ENJOI - Stickydot

There are no recognised standards in science journalism and communication, nor principles or indicators of quality. And yet they are needed, particularly in a moment when science communication is more than ever a key factor in facilitating democratic deliberation and in fighting misinformation.

To fully benefit from a digital society, citizens need to feel that the information they receive responds to their needs and is useful to face and solve their problems. The climate crisis, the recent pandemic and many more global challenges can only be dealt with within a framework of policies and actions properly informed by science, allowing all relevant stakeholders to decide and act on the basis of evidence and not of noise and misinformation.

ENJOI will explore and test engagement as a key asset of innovation in science communication distributed via media platforms, with a strong focus on journalism. Through a combination of methodologies and in collaboration with producers, target users and stakeholders of science communication, ENJOI will co-create and select a set of standards, principles and indicators (SPIs) condensed to a Manifesto for an Outstanding Open Science Communication.

ENJOI will work in Belgium, Italy, Portugal and Spain, taking into account different cultural contexts. The project’s  ultimate goal is that of improving science communication by making it more consistently reliable, truthful, open and engaging. Contextually, ENJOI will contribute to the active development of critical thinking, digital awareness and media literacy of all actors involved in the process.

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Florence Gignac


“It is inspiring to contribute to a scientific research environment that remains anchored in the realities and interests of a variety of individuals. Collaborating with the public takes your scientific knowledge off the beaten track and challenges you to take a creative approach to your scientific practice. Go ahead: once you try participatory research, you won’t look back!”

At Stickydot, Florence provides support on citizen science and public engagement projects. Florence has been applying participatory approaches in the fields of environment and public health for over five years. She cares deeply about making every step of a scientific research project inclusive, creative and sustainable.