Climate Change






European Commission
BE participation
NCP Belgium

Pint of Science


Brussels Climate-Neutral City workshops

In October 2020 Stickydot worked with Innoviris (the Brussels regional institute for research and innovation) for the Horizon Europe Mission on climate-neutral and smart cities to organise the online workshop Climate-Neutral & Intelligent Cities for residents in Brussels.

In October 2020 Stickydot worked with Innoviris (the Brussels regional institute for research and innovation) for the Horizon Europe Mission on climate-neutral and smart cities to organise the online workshop Climate-Neutral & Intelligent Cities for residents in Brussels. The event was co-organised with BE participation, the Belgian platform for citizen participation & NCP Brussels and took place both in French and in Dutch. Daniël Termont, member of the Mission on climate-neutral and smart cities and former Mayor of Ghent, was invited to present the Mission proposal.


Around 30 residents living in 11 out of the 19 local municipalities of Brussels joined the online workshop. The participants were asked to reflect on the two overarching questions:

  • Imagine it is 2030 and this ideal future is a reality. How is your life better?
  • Imagine it is 2030 and this ideal future is a reality. What are the challenges we should face in order to achieve this ideal future?

These two questions were discussed from the perspective of the five main topic areas in breakout groups, where each group discussed one of the following topic areas:

  • climate & energy
  • mobility
  • health & food
  • representation & inclusion
  • resources & waste


The choice of topic areas was based upon the Mission’s objectives (as listed in the Mission mid-term report), inspired by the outcomes of previous citizens’ consultations (Pint of Science Festival – Shaping the city of Tomorrow & the Let’s Prepare Brussels consultation) and in line with key priorities defined by the Brussels-Capital Regional Innovation Plan and Smart Specialization priorities. For the follow-up, it was recommended to disseminate the outcomes of the discussions to the 19 mayors of Brussels.

This online workshop built on the outcomes of an earlier in-person session facilitated by Stickydot at Pint of Science Brussels. Organised in collaboration with Innoviris, the TRANSFORM project and BE Participation, and in the presence of Barbara Trachte, Secretary of State of the Brussels-Capital Region responsible for Economic Transition and Scientific Research, the event took participants through the latest research on how cities can adapt to environmental and socioeconomic challenges while at the same time working better for and with citizens. In the second part of the event was an interactive session where Brussels residents shared their ideas on how to Brussels more climate-neutral.

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Florence Gignac


“It is inspiring to contribute to a scientific research environment that remains anchored in the realities and interests of a variety of individuals. Collaborating with the public takes your scientific knowledge off the beaten track and challenges you to take a creative approach to your scientific practice. Go ahead: once you try participatory research, you won’t look back!”

At Stickydot, Florence provides support on citizen science and public engagement projects. Florence has been applying participatory approaches in the fields of environment and public health for over five years. She cares deeply about making every step of a scientific research project inclusive, creative and sustainable.